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Prev Reddy’s– MUMMY’S BOY!

Event expired

Friday, 7 April 2023


Friday, 7 April 2023

From 20h00

The Lyric Theatre, Gold Reef City

From R180 to R250

Prev Reddy’s MUMMY’S BOY! The Lyric Theatre, Gold Reef City

It’s been 5 years since the no-nonsense, outspoken Aunty Shamilla entered the world alongside her son Prev. Over the years they have shared ground-breaking experiences together and achieved global accolades for their clever banter and humour surrounding the stereo typical Indian, mother-son dynamic they famously share.

Now entering his late 20s, Prev has realised that he is still a Mummy’s Boy! Something he just cannot seem to escape no matter how hard he tries.

Therefore, in 2023, Prev Reddy presents his 4th one man show THE MUMMY’S BOY!

From living alone to finding out Madea has been related to the Royal Family. Prev hilariously takes audiences through what it’s like navigating life in a post-covid / post-Queen Elizabeth world as the Mummy’s Boy he is BUT, this time, there is a plot twist…his alter-ego mom, Aunty Shamilla will be gracing stages for this tour, for what will be her farewell performance.

This tour highlights all Prev’s achievements in his career up to this point where he has always shared the spot light with his alter-ego, Aunty Shamilla who portays his mom.

Even though Prev and Aunty Shamilla have their own audiences, Prev has always found himself sharing a spotlight with her. As Prev is maturing in his career and artistry he has taken the decision to re-introduce himself as just, PREV post this tour. Having said that, in true Aunty Shamilla fashion, she will not be leaving quietly, this tour will be something her fans will appreciate and will definitely remember for years to come!

Shedding the Aunty Shamilla character is bittersweet but Prev believes the world is ready to be introduced to real -PREV REDDY. We cannot wait to see what he has in store for us and even though this will be the last time we get to see Aunty Shamilla, Prev will always be a MUMMY’S BOY!

Gold Reef City, Pure Jozi, Pure Gold

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